Learning Modular Synthesis Level 1: The Comprehensive Starter Course

The perfect course for those new to modular synthesis – go from ground zero to creating the most common patches in just four hours.
Are you new to modular synthesis? Then this course was designed for you. By using a combination of sound, waveform displays, and harmonic spectra graphs, I help you connect how and why twisting a particular knob or patching a particular cable results in the sounds you are hearing. During this course, I:
•  give a brief history of synthesis
•  introduce the major module formats available
•  discuss the core modules you might consider for your system, including cases, power, getting notes in, and getting sound out
•  show you how to create the most common subtractive synthesis patch
•  demonstrate each module in a typical modular synth, showing how it works as well as what common synthesizer sounds you can create with it
•  cover both East and West Coast Approaches to synthesis, so you’ll learn how to craft a wide variety of sounds
A list of all 38 video lessons in this 4-hour course is shown at the bottom of this page; many contain bonus videos and links to other resources. There is also a 9 movie bonus chapter that presents and breaks down a live modular performance. Note that some of the lessons also have a free preview, so you can get a taste for the course before you buy. I will be adding closed captions and transcripts to each of these lessons in the near future.
By the way: The compact Eurorack-format “teaching rack” used in this course is based on Roland System 500 modules, complemented with modules from numerous other manufacturers. As most modules as well as many synthesizer keyboards and plug-ins (including VCV Rack) are designed around the same ideas, this course will be useful to all musicians wishing to get further into synthesis and programming their own sounds, regardless of the specific tools you own.


“Thanks a lot for your videos. Perfectly clear explanations for people starting out in modular synthesis.” – BF
“These are some of the best newbie tutorials for modular synthesis…” – SR
“Looks really good, very professional, very well presented; the way it’s broken down into chapters/sections is definitely a help.” – JO
“Holy cow this is awesome!!!! I had no idea this would be so nice…” – JH 

Learning Modular Synthesis: Level 1

$79 USD

  • An excellent introduction for the musician new to modular synthesis, or even wondering what “modular” is all about.

    • 38 video lessons plus bonus movies and links
    • over 4 hours of clearly-explained information
    • fundamental concepts to understand how your modular synth works
    • advice for choosing a modular format, core modules, and case + power supply
    • both East Coast and West Coast approaches covered
Regular Price

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Course Curriculum



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Eddie Escalante

Systematic approach

This is just what I needed. Thanks for taking the time for putting it out there

2 months ago
Glenn Kelly

Beep, bop, bloop ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A great course taken well after my dive into Eurorack Modular beginning with the Moog Mother-32 and continuing down the slippery slope to financial enslavement and two monster Eurorack Cases of which one is still hungry for more appetizer modules. Modular is truely addicting. We learn a lot from our wobbly path through trial and error, keep working for the perfect patches and keeping track of them all via painstaking wiring diagrams and adjustments photos. I have a long standing background in electronics and physics so Much of what was covered in the first course has either been digested in putzing around and trying things, reading, and diving back into old school books. It would be nice if there were patch diagrams wor the demos because it all goes so fast in these videos; but, I understand the burden of documentation all to well to just avoid the missing element. I would like to say that this course has as much to offer the twiggits in the group with hands all over the place as it does for those that are learning about Modular through virtual offerings like Cherry Audio’s Voltage Modular, vCV Rack 2, Arturia’s Mod-15 on iPadOS and iOS, Softtube Modular, Reaktor Block, and miRack for iPadOS to name a few. Same principles apply across the virtual board as it does in the physical world albeit at a significant cost savings. Nothing beat the tactile feel of patching wires, twisting knobs, sliding sliders and throwing switches; but, you can still learn a great deal and have fun in the virtual settings. Overall, I loved the review value and reminders in this first course as well as the pocketbook tugs when you see a module you do not have. Thanks, Chris and stay away from those garage door traps! Oh yeah … I started way back with the PAIA Gnome in the 70s. It was like a snapping turtle bite.

3 months ago
Hans Karlsson

Packed with information

Love that the lectures are short and concise and so packed with information. Really fun to watch. Only request is perhaps a list of the modules and equipment you're using, since you're referencing them with names or models, like the Expert Sleepers - Disting module. Having the list also can give some input for the wishlist. Reply from Chris: Here is the link to the Level a course on ModularGrid: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/197719

2 years ago
David Hepworth

Great course

I've just completed this course and found it very informative and well presented. There's so much information here, but it's given to you in manageable chunks, so you never feel overwhelmed.

2 years ago


Excellent course. Highly recommended!

2 years ago
Jez Smith

modular simplified

Great communicator, responds very quickly to any queries. I thoroughly recommend it to any contemplating modular. I'll be revisiting these videos time and again.

3 years ago
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Chris Meyer

I fell in love with the sound and possibilities of electronic music at a young age. I took synthesis lessons as a teen in the 1970s, learning on a modular Steiner-Parker Synthasystem. A kit-based PAiA modular was my dorm room companion in college. Soon after I graduated, I got a job at Sequential Circuits, where I contributed to several instruments and created Vector Synthesis. I went on to work for Digidesign, Marion Systems (Tom Oberheim), and was the chief engineer at Roland R&D US.

I’ve always enjoyed sharing what I’ve learned. I taught synthesis at UCLA Extension, was the technical editor for Music Technology and Recording magazines, and wrote a column for Keyboard magazine. I continue today, co-writing Patch & Tweak – the new book on modular synthesis – with Kim Bjørn, and maintaining a Patreon channel for beginning to advanced users. I also regularly play modular music live under the name Alias Zone, plus jam with others.

I also have a lot of experience creating online training. Before I started Learning Modular, I recorded nearly 50 online courses on creating graphics for television and film for lynda.com (now LinkedIn Learning). I've brought this experience of how to teach a difficult, technical subject in a patient, step-by-step manner to my modular synthesis courses.